We Are RIBRAN and Associates

We are a medium sized professional firm in Kenya, providing Audit, Tax and Consulting services.
We are highly talented and experienced professionals who strive to give the best service to our clientele.

Our Story

RIBRAN and Associates came into being after the founder realized the gap in services being offered by medium-sized professional firms. Having worked with two leading International Professional Firms for the past seven years, he decided to provide comprehensive quality services tailored to suit clients’ needs which match what the big market players offer.

Our Vision

To be the region’s trusted professional firm offering quality services to our clientele in audit, tax and advisory.

Our Mission

To continuously offer innovative advice that create value to our clients through our people by training and development.

Our Core Values

In order to deliver our services effectively, we are guided by the following principles ; integrity, Objectivity, Respect and Professionalism.

Our Services

Audit & Assurance

We perform independent and objective audits that give decision makers an accurate look at their business or organization’s performance.


We provide our clients with personalized tax advice  when needed  to minimize tax liabilities and maximize tax opportunities.

Accounting Services

We commit to provide financial information to clients in a timely and affordable manner for efficient business operations.

Internal Audits

We provide independent, objective assurance and consulting activities designed to add value and improve an organization’s operations.

Financial Statements Preparation

We prepare financial statements in accordance with professional standards to be used a tool by management for making financial decisions.

Audit and Assurance

We perform all our audits in full accordance and compliance with International Auditing Standards (ISAs) as promulgated by the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya to ascertain compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

All audits are performed with the objective of expressing an independent professional opinion on:

  1. The organization’s financial statements;
  2. the fair presentation of the financial statements in conformity with International auditing standards (ISAs)
  3. And compliance with specific governing laws in force in Kenya.

Our audits are held to the highest measure of quality, independence, and objectivity and such audit results are likewise held in the highest regard by each of our clients, as well as, by other third party users of such statements. Our overall approach to auditing is a practical one, which emphasizes looking beyond the accounts and accounting entries to the underlying activities and operations that give rise to those transactions thus believe that our audits yield higher levels of quality, relevance, and efficiency.


By keeping current on new tax laws and legislation, we are in a position to identify key tax planning opportunities that minimize both your current and future tax liabilities. We provide our individual and business clients with the taxation expertise and knowledge that they deserve throughout the year. The following are the services we will offer under this category:

  • Individual Tax Services
  • Business Tax Services
  • Tax Planning
  • Tax Return Preparation (VAT, WHT, PAYE etc)

Accounting/Outsourcing Services

We commit to provide financial information to our clients in a timely and accurate manner thus ensuring all our client’s businesses operations are run with efficiency.

The reason why most businesses nowadays are outsourcing this crucial business function is due to cost and efficiency thus we will ensure that our clients meet their compliance obligations.

The following are the services we offer under this category:

  •  General ledger maintenance
  • Bookkeeping
  • Budgets/forecasts/projections
  • Payroll Services. We provide complete payroll preparation and payroll tax reporting services

Internal Audits

Our team seeks to add value, improve an organization’s operations and control systems thus issues to do with Organization’s governance, risk management,  efficiency/effectiveness of operations (including safeguarding of assets), the reliability of financial and management reporting, and compliance with laws and regulations will be addressed by our team of experts.

Financial Statements

We prepare financial statements in accordance with professional standards (IFRS) but express no opinion or any other form of assurance on the underlying information included in them. The financial statements produced can be a useful tool for management for making financial decisions.

Why Choose Us

We add value

We bring ideas to the table to help you with what’s best for you in the future.

Passionate staff

We pride ourselves in the passion and hard work that defines the team at RIBRAN. Our concept is hinged on the love for the job and the desire to always provide quality services.

Personalized services

We understand that different companies are different hence, we tailor our approach to suit the company. To do this, we strive to understand the entity including its systems, procedures, internal controls and the people driving the business.


Our size enables us to respond faster when you need quick answers and response.

Quality Services

Given that we have been entrusted the role of being an advisor, we endeavor to provide quality service to our clients to
enable them to make informed financial decisions. Without quality we are nothing.

Continuous Professional Development

All our professionals are adhering strictly to the Continuous Professional Development requirements that are required by the Accounting profession both locally and globally given that we are members of such Professional Bodies.

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Contact Us

RIBRAN and Associates

4th Floor, Office Number 9C
Longonot Place, Kijabe Street

P.O Box 1495 00100

+254 734 833 865